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aluminum foil

A commonly used wrapping substance. It is often used by broke potheads to make a new smoking device in times of need.

Man, I broke my pipe last night! I had to go find some aluminum foil!

by Pansy Parkinson May 13, 2006

19👍 9👎

aluminum foil

Used by skateboarders (who get videotaped by their friends doing jumps off of staircases and face-plants into the concrete floor below) as a replacement for chewing gum. The more fillings you have in your teeth, the better it tastes.

Dude! I can chew aluminum foil and skateboard at the same time! *face-plant splat!*

by SupposedAdult June 16, 2006

8👍 18👎

retard in aluminum foil

What a lady's knight in shining armor becomes when she really gets to know him.

I thought he was my knight in shining armor. Turns out, he was just a retard in aluminum foil!

by sweetnsassi February 21, 2010

12125👍 4502👎

Aluminum Foil Day

A day that takes place on May 13, every year. People around the world don they're armor, and swords.

Loser trying to be cool- "Why are you wearing Aluminum foil? Paranoid much?"
Me - "Uh, your a Nubcake , its Aluminum Foil Day

by KUNZE May 12, 2008

3👍 2👎

purple piece of aluminum foil

A really cool and hot person, typically the girlfriend of a hot guy

Woah that girl is totally a purple piece of aluminum foil!”

by eggyo December 4, 2022

blue piece of aluminum foil

Super sexy girl, typically has a super sexy boyfriend

“Woah!!!!!!!! That guy totally has a blue piece of aluminum foil for a girlfriend!”

by eggyo December 11, 2022