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When you can text with both your left and right hand.

Kyle can text "hey baby what're doing later?" just as fast with his left hand as his right one. He's clearly ambitextrous.

by icwish January 31, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


adj. Ability to text-message equally well with either hand.

Did you know Norbert is ambitextrous? If you give him a couple of phones, you'll really see his schizophrenia take on a 21st century appeal.

by akaats August 19, 2010


Adjective describing the ability to text one-handed with either hand with equal proficiency, usually while driving. The act of doing this often called "to dextext".

"Your ambitextrous thumbwork, while impressive & a great conversation-starter at parties, will not save you, my friend, from another humilating trouncing from me at Tekken 2!"

by Dan Jeremy Brooks April 11, 2008

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The ability to text just as quickly/accurately with the wrong hand.

I realized I was ambitextrous when the cheetos scum on my right hand didn't stop me from sending messages with my other hand.

by April Price July 11, 2008

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Able to text with both hands equally well.

She was so adept at texting with both hands she was ambitextrous.

by kayeraye July 26, 2010

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Describes a person who, when typing a text message using a single hand, is able to use both thumbs with equal ease.

I spent a month with my right hand in a cast and had to do all of my texting with my left hand. When I took the cast off, I realized that all of the practice with my left thumb had made me ambitextrous. Now I can type just as fast with either thumb.

by JasonGB August 18, 2006

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Able to type on a cell phone at an equal ability with either the left or right hand, with the goal of sending a text message.

Joe is sending a text message.
Sarah: "I thought you were leftie."
Joe: "No. I'm ambitextrous."

by jrnels March 4, 2010

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