Definition: An amicable person of the masculine gender or boyfriend; often used to refer to a guy who is sociable, approachable, and easy to communicate with.
Pronunciation: /əˈmi ɡɔ r/ ("uh-MEE-gor")
• Amigor refers specifically to an amicable male individual.
• Frequently used to describe a person who is cordial, inviting, and enjoys social interactions.
• It can be used casually among amigos or acquaintances.
Singular noun: amigor
Plural noun: amigors
Female person: amigress
Neutral: amigo
• "The damsel amigated with her amigor at the local café."
• "Everyone at the party liked him because he was such an amigor."
• "Amigors are similar to him and make social congregations more enjoyable."