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An Urban Dicktionary

1. A dumb ass person who thinks they're smart.

2. A ghetto version of a know-it-all. An intelligent minority.

1. Dude1: Did you know Jesus was a Jew?
Dude2: well aren't you an Urban Dicktionary.

2. Guy1: Man I wish I had an Eggs-Box 360!
Guy2: Its called an X-Box dumb ass.
Guy1: Well excuse me mister Urban Dicktionary!
Guy2: I'm just trying to educate your ass.
Guy1: Yea but you don't have to be an Urban Dicktionary about it.

by Steve Stephalonavich February 17, 2013

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dicktionary

What urban dictionary should be renamed to, as most of the site's definitions directly pertain to or allude to sexual affairs.

My parents never gave me a talk about the birds and the bees, so I went on urbandictionary.com instead.

by Katsu March 25, 2005

1227๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dicktionary

Urban dicktionary is when urban dictionary is simply a dick and won't add certain words

1: Oh I tried to add a word on urban dictionary
2: did it work
1: no
2: so u mean urban DICKTIONARY

by Random Words Blah Blah August 4, 2020

39๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban dicktionary

When the people that "approve" the definitions of Urbandictionary.com don't approve your clever submissions.

I wrote a common slang that is used in my area and the urban dicktionary didn't approve it.

by Jessica smackdown March 5, 2008

122๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

urban dicktionary

Urban dicktionary with a penis on it. Putting a k in urbandictionary. Perhaps the funniest play on words ever!

When you spell urbandictionary U R B A N D I C K T I O N A R Y it looks like urbanpenisary. I looked up urban dicktionary in urbandictionary.

by Donald Cowboy Cerrone October 12, 2017

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dicktionary

What urbandictionary has mutated into- a bunch of angsty teens and haters whining about crap.

Dude 1: Where'd you hear that about Asians?

Dude 2: Urbandictionary. Isn't it funny how they can't pronounce their Ls?

Dude 1: Fuck that. That's prejudiced and not true. No wonder you heard it from urban dicktionary.

by That_Guy_Who_Exists June 1, 2009

117๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban Dicktionary

Where you go to look up which teenagers have big dicks and which have small ones.

The majority of definitions in the Urban Dicktionary are based upon teen penis envy.(both male and female)

by wolfbait51 April 21, 2011

100๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž