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1. Unlovely language spoken to communicate boring practical information or other mundane ideas. Talk of insurance policies, long distance calling plans, or investment banking invariably produces anti-banter.

2. The opposite of banter. It is hypothesized that when banter and antibanter meet, they annihilate one another.

As my boss launched into a painfully detailed lecture on the new filing system, I felt myself sinking into the black hole of his anti-banter.

Miri is Sarah’s other half, the banter to her anti-banter.

by Ferret Frolicker September 23, 2006

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The antithesis of banter, open to interpretation. It can be applied to a wide variety of situations

The worlds worst possible insult. one does not want to be accused of antibanter or be described as an antibanterer

Antibanterer: a person with the rare skill of stopping banter dead in its tracks, worst than shanter or even ganter.

usually occurs in aspirational girls who shun jokes as a distraction to their "climb"

Chap A:wow that girl is such anti-banter

Chap B: yeah mate i know, she demonstrates the skill of antibant

by antibant police January 20, 2012

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Someone, a killjoy, generally not participating in banter that is happening at the time, like cling filming a person's car or pranking a load of people because they are too wuss, too tired or for any reason for that matter

Stop being anti-banter and help us cling film the van.

I'm not tired, stupid anti-banter eyes.

by Craig Donaldson August 29, 2006

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