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The mathematical equivalent of “Anti-Mask” or/and “Anti-Vax.” When you refuse to protect yourself against innumeracy or quantitative illiteracy, by failing to learn basic or practical geometry that usually involves the ubiquitous number π, which makes you prone to being conned by mathematical charlatans or unscrupulous sales and marketing folks.

Guesstimate how many anti-pi people globally there are at any time in a given year.

by Fasters January 18, 2022

10👍 14👎

Anti-Pi Day

A hands-on educational event for math-anxious students and adults that would offer them some fun non-symbolic things to do on Pi Day—a mathematical equivalent of an anti-Valentine’s Day for singles.

To empathize with tens of thousands of kids who feel left out or alienated on Pi Day, a Singapore NGO is organizing a “Anti-Pi Day” concert to boost their low self-esteem in math.

by Fasters May 22, 2023

14👍 23👎