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Extremely based, redpilled and all the rest. an unofficial lefty/pol/ specialist. He's a great guy, makes funny jokes. Definitely knows the scoop, would want him around at all times. Hates white women. Also loves the Pink Floyd band.

Dylan - "Have you heard Dogs (Animals, 1977)?"
Steve - "No, you're being such an Ardennes!"

by smeasitnvrws April 6, 2021


A really cute girl with a bubbly personality and loud energy. She is prone though to falling in love to quickly.

Wow that Ardenne is really cute, to bad I'm gonna dump her.

by nausicaa117 March 19, 2014

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Ardenne girls

Ardenne girls are some of the most smartest, prettiest and most loyal girls you’ll ever meet.

They can be delusional at times. Sometimes even yamheads. But DON’T get on their wrong side because they can also be wicked.

You’re smart, pretty and delulu? OH! You must be Ardenne girls!

by grraa January 4, 2023

ardennes forest

A dense forest located in Belgium between France and Germany. During WWII the Germans passed through the thought to be "unpassable" Ardennes forest. At the time this was the least defended sector in France, the Germans bypassed the Maginot line and seized France.

In retaliation, the French surrendered. Way to botch that one up you Frenchies.

"Zey are cooming thru ze Ardennes forest!"

"Impossiblay, it is 'Unpassable' you fool"

*Germans arrive*

"Ve surrendur!"

by CommandoDude February 8, 2008

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Ardenne High School

One of the best high schools in Jamaica

Oh you go to Ardenne high school you must be smart

by rastamanjohn February 27, 2022

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Ardenne High School

A school in Jamaica that is home to some of the smartest and most beautiful students in Jamaica. The students here are also very diligent and hard working.

1)Hey look, its Ardenne High School, the school that's 10 times better than JC πŸ†™.

2) Hey, are you looking for an extremely attractive and smart partner? Well, you should date an Ardenne student. Plus Dem Neva cheat!

by 1Jojo Cat January 5, 2023