A term referring to the belief that art's purpose is to entertain the viewer, and that art is seen as a spectacle to be enjoyed at an aesthetic and commercial level.
I created this term as a reflection to the article 'Where is the Genie?" by Luis Camnitzer. He discusses the relationship between art and technology, and questions the impact that new media and technological advancements are having on artistic creation within the creators' and audiences' world. The quote that stood out to me the most was "Artwork is mostly consumed for entertainment so both artists and museums are driven to present spectacles instead of fulfilling their tasks."
Museums were places of thought and education, collecting and exhibiting “artefacts for future reference”, however now museums drive this narrative as they advertise shocking shows and works by well-established artists, promising to entertain the audience. They are using the works as bait to attract consumers who spend their “free time” in the cafes and gift shops and therefore drive up sales and revenue. Artists now focus their time and skill on producing works that stand out and amaze while ignoring the potential message that could be interwoven within the piece. He believes art has been commodified for mass consumption and entertainment rather than fostering a meaningful engagement with the audience.
Person 1: "hey what should we do today?"
Person 2: " wanna go to a gallery?"
Person 1: "Ooo I love galleries so fun, I need some artetainment, and a postcard ;)"
Person 2: "and of course a coffee!"