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asian michael

A Asian guy who is very smart and good at sports. He likes music and plays many instruments. Some times he is very clumsy.

Asian Michael was playing his violin. He became very thirsty and then went to get some water it he then tripped over a pencil and broke his violin.

by Heylooooooooo March 16, 2017

1👍 3👎

Asian Michael

He is a annoying twat who interrupts your conversations, they also say the same joke multiple times to the same people these jokes are also very un original.

#guy 1: oh fuck Michaels coming over
#guy 2: what's it going to be this time, 'YoU LiKe JaZz'
#Michael: you like jazzzzzz.
#guy 3 thoughts: i will smack you with a crowbar if you say that again. such an Asian Michael

by #fuckMichael March 29, 2020