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Main entry: assmask
Pronunciation: 'as-'mask
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French masque, from Old Italian maschera; and Middle English, from Old English assa, probably from Old Irish asan, from Latin asinus

2: One who has his/her head so far up up his/her ass, said ass is being worn as a mask

A more asstacular example of an asshat

by disSanFranchised November 18, 2004


When an individual's entire head is up their own ass, instead of just the top, which is commonly referred to as asshat.

Billy's math teacher was being an assmask, unlike his gym teacher, who was just an asshat

by Ralph Dingus July 23, 2011

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When you're wearing your Covid mask and someone farts in your aisle and it gets trapped in your mask and engulfs itself into your face, only getting worse if you are chewing a piece of gum. Then it becomes aspirating the fart, chewing the fart, and living the fart all at once.

That girl must be thinking its assmasking season, because my eyes are watering now that I'm aspirating, chewing, and living her fart all at once.

by bchizzleupinyomomsassbit November 8, 2021