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A person, or persons that are stupider then ass, or anything that comes out of it.

Damn Dan Lewis is ass-stupid

by Guevara April 3, 2004

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Gump Ass stupid

A kid who is literally dumb as fuck, has no common sense once so ever, and a hot temper. The type of person to bitch on and on and on. When they dont get what they want they will raise their fist at you and grunt in a way to attempt to intimadate you. indulging on weed and slutty fat girls is what they usually enjoy doing, but if they dont have either they will throw a hissy fit like no other.

Hes got court in a week and hes been doing nothing but smoking pot and watching porn, That kid is fucking Gump Ass Stupid.

by fuckingraycons April 18, 2011

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Ass stupid

The dumbest and most stupid a person can get. It means they have as much brains as in someones ass which is none at all. To be stupid beyond stupid.

He's so ass stupid.

by The Fury 13 September 17, 2010

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gay ass stupid bitch motherfucker

gay ass stupid bitch motherfucker

gay ass stupid bitch motherfucker

by give me vagina February 14, 2022

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Stupid Ass

This is a person who is a jackass. He/she does not know what they are doing even when someone tells them. They pretend they are cool but dont realize the group which he is popular in only exists in his mind. They tend to come in peoples rooms and touch everything as if they have a compulsive disorder.

Jin-woo, student who failed semesters at Frostburg State University

by Rabbit November 24, 2003

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Stupid ass

JaKe PaUl aNd LoGaN PaUl

Logan Paul is such a stupid ass

by FairyWand! October 26, 2018

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stupid ass

a playful word u use with your bestie

"aw, gurl i love your stupid ass"

by huhnotleah November 20, 2018

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