Another term for the "warm up" flights for the planet's wealthy to leave Earth to reside in space, while leaving everyone else on what they think will be a polluted, desecrated planet Earth.
Mike: The billionaires Jeff Bozos and Richy Bronson were the first people to go space! Astrotourism here we come, woo!
John: Think about what you just said.
A new hobby for the Uber rich.
The ultimate sign that someone has rich privilege. Something that poor folks will never get to experience.
Fuck astrotourism. Maybe if people like Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos put the same amount of money, time and effort into solving world issues(like hunger, corruption and climate) we wouldn’t have these issues anymore. But nah nvm keep being frivolous POS and showing the real difference in classes here in US.. rich and poor! Not white and black.
But hey, the rest of us should definitely start driving electric vehicles and making all the sacrifices we can so the elite can continue doing whatever they want. It’s only fair..