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Someone who watches the animated show Adventure Time, short for 'adventure timers', which just sounds stupid.

A: So will you be watching stakes in November?
B: You do realise you're asking the world's biggest atimer, right?

by atimefan100 October 11, 2015

2👍 1👎


Atim is a young, beautiful girl who is born in April making her an Aries ♈️ atim is also obsessed with TikTok she makes a lot of TikToks but she leaves them on private she is also a great artist and is very talented....

Atim likes drawing TikTokers

by Baby you light up my world June 1, 2020

10👍 9👎


Very caring and smart, mostly in maths. Loved by all and very sweet. Is a female

That girl is amazingly perfect she must be an atime

by Jucke June 1, 2020


A very strong and independent female. Beautiful and loved by all. Amazing personality and very honest.

That girl is amazing. She must be an atime.

by Jucke June 1, 2020

1👍 1👎