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Auto correction in smartphone English used by most smartphone operating systems such a Android and iOS.

a: Wait, I got cum in my hair.
b: ehm?
a: Oh! GUM! Ducking autocucumber!

by urquell June 25, 2012

25👍 1👎


A slang term do describe when autocorrect catastrophically fails, popular in the UK.

"I got totally ducked last night"
"God damn autocucumber!"

by Benitokun January 23, 2015

11👍 3👎


a word which holds so much power that if you use it, you will be seen as a god to your entire clan. you will be worshipped and respected for centuries.

martin: yo jim.... autocucumber

jim: :0

by kyandia November 28, 2020

3👍 5👎