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Extremely potent heaven-sent psychedelic brew that opens the door to spiritual reality and takes you on the magical journey to show you God, angels, nature spirits, true mirror of your hart, your spiritual contamination and if you deserve or are ready it gives answers to your questions. It heals spirit and the body. The confrontations with your inner world can be extremely heavy as it leads you through trauma's and your fears. Never try it at home alone.

Miquel, after drinking ayahuasca went completely psycho, screaming like a beast and losing sense of reality. He fell on the ground kicking, howling and vomiting and afterwards got up, smiled and felt huge relief. He is now happy and stable fellow.

by Kasia100% November 8, 2009

121👍 28👎


An extremely potent hallucinogenic substance - legal in Peru - that's derived from jungle vines by curanderos (shaman). It combines two pyschoactive substances (DMT and an MAO inhibitor), the latter compounding the effects of the former. Also known as "yage".

I went to an ayahuasca retreat in Shipibo.

by ill dun doin it. January 20, 2005

261👍 92👎


An entheogenic tea of South American origin prepared with the mariri vine and the leaves of the chacrona tree that provides an expanded state of consciousness. The use of Hoasca in shamanic rituals is part of the ancestral culture of several tribes in the Amazon region of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, including the Ashaninka, Huni Kuin, Ticuna and Tucano. Since the 1930s, it has been distributed as a sacrament in some Christian religions, such as the União do Vegetal, Santo Daime, Barquinha and Alto Santo. The tea is proven harmless to health when used in the religious context and without the association with other substances, according to scientific studies conducted by renowned entities.
Other common names: Hoasca, Vegetal, Daime, Yagé.

Pharm. Ayahuasca is the name given to the psychoactive beverage prepared from the decoction of the woody part of the mariri vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) with the leaves of the chacrona tree (Psychotria viridis), which contains, respectively, the β-carbolines harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine and the psychoactive alkaloid N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT);

by André Fagundes June 4, 2020

1👍 1👎


1. Pharm. The name given to the psychoactive beverage prepared from the decoction of the woody part of the mariri vine (Banisteriopsis caapi) with the leaves of the chacrona tree (Psychotria viridis), which contains, respectively, the β-carbolines harmine, harmaline and tetrahydroharmine and the psychoactive alkaloid N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT);

2. An entheogenic tea of South American origin prepared with the mariri vine and the leaves of the chacrona tree that provides an expanded state of consciousness. The use of ayahuasca in shamanic rituals is part of the ancestral culture of several tribes in the Amazon region of Brazil, Peru and Bolivia, including the Ashaninka, Huni Kuin, Ticuna and Tucano.
Other common names: Hoasca, Vegetal, Daime, Yagé.

Since the 1930s, ayahuasca tea has been distributed as a sacrament in some Christian religions, such as the União do Vegetal, Santo Daime, Barquinha and Alto Santo. The tea is proven harmless to health when used in the religious context and without the association with other substances, according to scientific studies conducted by renowned entities.

by André Fagundes May 28, 2020


A hallucinogenic substance legal in plant form, that consists of plant based maois and dmt.

One kid took ayahuasca and never recovered from the intense experience. A substance not usually meant to be taken by anyone under 23 years of age.

by goffish September 24, 2005

27👍 85👎