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Your babe, basically

Example:Sorry I didn't go,I was with my Babeski last night

by RainbowOreo March 9, 2020


a really hott guy who is a sex toy

some hott guy thats used as a sex toy

by jose April 8, 2005

13👍 32👎


Slang term for the g/f who tells you you're engaged without even asking you

I'm off to see the babeski this weekend, if she's finished with the football team.

by Boblin The Great March 25, 2009

6👍 13👎


The hottest guy in a particular group.

"That guy's a babe."

"Well, that guy is a babeski."

by Jill-Ville April 22, 2007

7👍 18👎


boyfriend who is polish and has the last name ending in ski .

good luck on your final babeski .

by ebear14 April 28, 2011

3👍 8👎


A polish girlfiend.

Hey, I am going to grab dinner with my babeski, before we go to the bar.

by MarriedABabeski July 31, 2016

1👍 2👎