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backup bitch

The girl a guy keeps leading on even if not entirely interested in her, as an ego boost or backup just in case the girl he really wants turns him down. Usually the girl he leads on has a crush on him, and is okay with being lead on, because she's still getting his attention.

She really liked him, but she was only his backup bitch.

by loveursteeze May 1, 2015

37👍 2👎

backup bitch

Ur ho you keep on the side away from all your friends so you can move out of the state if shit hits the fan and you'll still have pussy to fuck

Person 1: hey what are you up to?
Person 2: fucking my backup bitch

by Pickabooo January 10, 2007

21👍 9👎

backup bitches

Two or more bitches in a group with a leader (usually a hotter chick).

If the hot chick wants to get in the face of a rival, she brings along her backup bitches cause she is too chicken shit to go solo.

by pmtm June 10, 2010

5👍 2👎