sexy, attractive, positive. Knows how too treat a girl in the bed really good. No regrets, want too have a fun life and make really good memories, likes too get hype
Holy grail! That boy Bajram really look so attractive?
Is a nice boy. He is a party, love and action person. Fantastic and love football, but he use his girlfriend's. When you meet a bajram, and he is in love with you, than he is the perfekt one.
A: hey! Who is the boy?
B: he is new, he loves football and love action, but he had many girlfriend's.
A: he is so a bajram!
Bajram is not only pretty, but also sweet and attentive. When you look into his eyes you can see it sparkle! There is no better boy than he, Bajram! I love him!!!
Bajram is the sweetiest boy in the world!
A funny and loyal also a intelligent person that has mostly loyal friends
Having loyal friends isn't easy so better be named bajram.