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bank holiday

Noun to describe a series of vacation days in the old country. The banks are on holiday... so why should the rest of the lazy slobs go to work? Is it any wonder that the empire was lost (or perhaps it was just forgotten during one of those holiday fortnites).

1. The offices will be closed for the Bank holiday (and we will probably go out of business but who cares).

2. On the bank holidays, we go to Blackpool for a grand old time on the sands.

3. "It is hard to tell if the poor efficiency is due to incompetence or the volume of bank holidays".

by JK May 25, 2005

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bank holiday bob

A dull, middle aged man who works long hours and therefore for whom a bank holiday is one of a few days off they get in a year. As a result, despite rarely venturing outside their home town for most of the year, feel obliged to go on a day or weekend trip to a hackneyed tourist destination like Blackpool or Rhyl for the day even if the weather is awful. Usually found in a traffic jam with a Bingo Maud (not yet defined) on the M6 in a Fiat Uno, often towing a caravan.

Where's all this traffic coming from? Bloody Bank Holiday Bobs!

by mids99 August 31, 2009

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BHC - Bank Holiday Crew

The annoying outlandish people who attend establishments with all intention of getting pissed because it is a bank holiday weekend and they do not need to be at work the next day.

"Hey Shaun, look at who has just walked in its the BHC - Bank Holiday Crew they haven't been in here before they just ruin it for the regulars"

by BarryMcintosh May 18, 2009

August Bank Holiday Island

Contrary to popular belief, August Bank Holiday Island was not discovered by the Python expedition, rather it was first sighted on October 8th 1971 by those intrepid explorers Tim Brooke-Taylor, Dr Graeme Garden, and Bill Oddie.

August Bank Holiday Island is situated midway between Easter Island and Christmas Island.

by Marsilainenmarsu January 19, 2018

August Bank Holiday Island

Contrary to popular belief, August Bank Holiday Island was not discovered by the Python expedition, rather it was first sighted on October 8th 1971 by those intrepid explorers Tim Brooke-Taylor, Dr Graeme Garden, and Bill Oddie.

August Bank Holiday Island is situated midway between Easter Island and Christmas Island.

by Marsilainenmarsu January 19, 2018

August Bank Holiday Island

An island equidistant between Christmas Island and Easter Island, 123.0W 12.5S.
It was discovered by the Monty Python team.

Coconut Airways run flights from London Hetahrow to August Bank Holiday Island.

by Kerb November 29, 2004

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Bank Holiday Madness

The drunken fighting and puking that happens in pubs on the last day of bank holiday weekends.

Sorry I threw my shit at you and punched your mum, I was suffering from bank holiday madness

by Gash187 October 16, 2015