The term 'barbiste' originated in 17th century France, in a city called Strasbourg. It was a name given to barbers who specialised in only one style of beards. This typically involved using a razor to shave the beard completely leaving only behind a curvaceous moustache. Over time, the term became associated with highly specialised employees with a narrow and limited skill-set i.e. synonym to One Trick Pony and antonym to Jack of all Trades.
Example 1:
Marie-Jeanne: What happened to your beard?
Malotru: I went to the barbiste and got this badass tache.
Marie-Jeanne: There's nothing badass about your 'tache' - you just look like any other creep with a moustache.
Example 2:
M. Gims: Did you hear about Charlotte from the Fragrance department? Apparently she got fired last week.
Brouteminou: No way! Was she the one that used to predict your baby's gender using a necklace?
M. Gims: No not her. It was the one that always matched her eyeshadow with whatever dress she was wearing. Well apparently she was just a barbiste after all - her only skill was spraying perfume in one direction.