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Battle Bus

A bus outfitted for war, usually with bleachers added to the sides in a wing fashion with multiple cannons, explosive weaponry.

They play a large part in the current war on terror. Both BLUFOR and OPFOR have their different versions of them, however the two most known are the Takistani Battle Bus, And the USMC improvised Battle Bus.

The Takistani one is outfitted with 5 big guns, an Anti Air cannon on the top, and two rapid fire AGL grenade launchers on each side. It is mounted with a massive slab of concrete on the front, to protect the driver.

On the other side, the USMC improvised Battle Bus has 4 wings of bleachers, lock on anti air guns, 2 on each side and 7 machine guns each side. It has 2 artillery guns ontop, however they are used to attack head on rather than bombard targets. It has 2x more grenade launching units aswell, holding 2 on the top and 2 on each bleacher.

The USMC version has alot more firepower, however there is nothing protecting the driver.

Despite all rumors, a Battle Bus has never run out of ammunition for any of its guns.

"The next generation of deadly weapons available to man."

There is a song about the Battle Bus, composed by "Fatal_Papercut"

Soldier 1: Hey do you hear that?

Soldier 2: Yea, sounds like a regular vehicle engine, hold tight.

*Battle Bus appears over hill*

Soldiers together: Ah fuck, Battle Bus!

*The two get gunned down by the bus, without mercy.*

by The Dude Duper September 24, 2011

37👍 2👎

Battle Bus

A bus full of virgins.

Damn Daniel did you see that battle bus, fucking losers.

by Czar Aqua October 8, 2018

14👍 1👎

Battle Bus

(Fortnite) The battle bus is a bus that flys over a map and holds up to a 100 virgins. That actually a world record

Hey man, lets hop outta the Battle bus now, so that we can land in fatal fields.

by Brazzr September 5, 2018

Battle bus

When 2+ more people pull out a gun on a bus

"Battle buses aren't just for fortnite"

by Knee-Lover August 12, 2018

2👍 1👎

kissing on the battle bus

A popular term people use when they want to play fortnite with somebody they consider close.

Issac: "What would you do if we kissed on the battle bus😳"

Alexa: "I-i already told you..."


by aichomancer July 28, 2018

8👍 3👎

Battle Bus

A vehicle that defys all laws of physics by transporting 100 people in a 30 seater bus through the air being propelled by an oversized balloon. At random intervals some passengers chose to vacate the bus to their inevidable doom.

Most passengers of this bus are virgins or going through a divorce.

I'm leaving you Insert your name here All you ever do is circle jerk your friends on that Battle Bus

by Dailystraw July 9, 2019

Battle Bus

Battle Bus

Slang term used within certain parts of the Fortnite community mostly by children and immature teenagers.
The term can be used to refer to one's penis / genitals.

"I spend the night at Stacey's house last night, she totally rode my Battle Bus."~

by Heliping May 3, 2024