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She protecc,
She atacc,
But most importantly,
She a snacc

Have you seen Elsa’s sister Beata?
She’s sexy af!

by swedishbitch December 8, 2019

30πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Beata is the most beautifull girl u will ever see and shes marks boyfriend so back off chase. also shes hot as fuck to. shes russian and tought mark how to say hi.

My girl is soooooo hot. Shes such a beata

by that way pay day RJ January 12, 2019

124πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž


Beata is derived from the Latin beatus, meaning "blessed".

Beata is so nice, I love her!

by ilysm1234 September 18, 2018

37πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful and Intelligent creatuere who loves to be alone. Most men stare at awe of her when she is in the room yet she isnt looking for a man(she's lesbiannnnn). Her joy will brighten up ur day and her kindness will warm ur heart. If u meet a beata keep her and dont let go

Girl: Omg do you see THAT beata though?

Girl N2: Yeah, just looking at her makes me happy

by Pineapplekillsapple January 10, 2019

38πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Beata is a very gorgeous girl that is from Poland, Russia and etc. Beata is the best girl u could meet. She may be sad at times but doesn't show it cause she can't stand people asking if she is okay. Beata is a very strong girl. She has beautiful hair and eyes. If u ever met a beata keep her.

Beata is very gorgeous and beautiful

by Ugxi November 24, 2021

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A gorgeous girl. No one compares to her. Very smart and funny. If you have a Beata in your life, do not let her go!

-Dude, your girlfriend is so hot! What's her name?
-I know right?! Her name is Beata

by Planetjupiter November 23, 2021

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

R Beata

An R-Beata or just an "R" is a slut, hoe, smut, etc. Used commonly among young urban youths in Brooklyn, New York. Densely used in the Flatbush area, but all over brooklyn in general.

R-Beata's are usually Aced, Dueced, Treyced, and boxed by a group of young teens. Also known as running a train. Any female that gives head, ass, or any sexual favors on a regular basis is considered an R-Beata. If a girl wont talk or let you holla at her, she is also an R-Beata because shes not a smut, slut, hoe, etc, for the simple fact that shes not worth wifey status, but she acts like she doesnt want to get hammered.

Come from the word R-Beat-Her, as in I'll Beat Her.

That bitch is an R Beata.
Ayo go bag that R right there.
Isnt that the R-Beata we ran a train on at E's crib?
Yo cuhz, duece me on that R.

by dboi~ February 7, 2008

7πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž