Source Code

Black Knighted

When you are having sex with a girl, and a black guy jumps out of the closet and punches the bitch in the face.

I was fucking Tina last night while Anquan was over, and the bitch got black knighted!

by The Day Walker November 13, 2011

4πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Black Knighted

V. past
To have three or four limbs removed, like Monty Python's Black Knight. Generally happens when one is owned by a bladed weapon.

Obi-wan just Black Knighted Anakin at the end of Episode III, look, he's only got his robot arm left

by masaki-kitsune March 24, 2009

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Black Knight

An anti-feminist. A White KnightΒ΄s natural enemy who on the contrary will defend any woman just because she is a woman regardless if she is right or wrong.

Black Knight: That bitch kicked the poor boy with no reason! IΒ΄m going to kick her now.
White Knight: No sir, I wonΒ΄t let you...
Black Knight: Fuck you, I will kick you too!

by Makk Schreiber October 1, 2011

575πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

The Black Knight

A character from the comedic film, "Monty Python and The Holy Grail." In the movie, this comedy relief in what was already an obvious comedy spars with King Arthur of Britain and somehow ends up missing all his limbs, yet still alive (and proceeds to taunt King Arthur) This character is widely parodied and in fact, has merchandise that can be found in video stores worldwide commemorating his madness.

The Black Knight: Come back here, you yellow bastard! I'll bite your legs off!

by Fawful668 April 4, 2006

31πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Black Knight

True Justice for all embodiment of courage in all our time of need the only ones strong enough to fight off against the white knights even with there low number all Black knights stand strong in the face of the White knights overwhelming number in order to save the world and keep equality.


by Timmy/Nick January 4, 2020

23πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Black Knight

In contrast to a White Knight, a Black Knight is any one person who- rather than frantically defending women who are being badgered by men on the internet- is always attacking women who are badgering men.

MarcoMarcoXD: who likes the new mario game
MinerChick96: ur a fucking loser dude lol
MarcoMarcoXD: :(
xXBlackKnightXx: Listen here, fucker. Marco didn't do shit to deserve that kind of talk, stop weaseling your way into other people's business and fuck off. Nobody gives a shit about what you have to say and he certainly doesn't fucking need to hear it either, so crawl back to where you came from and stay there, cunt.
MinerChick96 has logged off.
MarcoMarcoXD: thx blackknight
Admin has kicked user xXBlackKnightXx for reason: "stop your black knight bullshit, kid."

by beans lad August 30, 2014

114πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

black knight

While images abound of evil black knights rampaging the countryside, these tales are far from the truth. A black knight is a knight not sponsored or employed by a local lord for the defense of his lands. Therefore, the black knight does not have at his disposal the resources needed to keep his armor polished and in good repair. To save face, these knights painted their armor black, to hide any wear and tear that the armor may have endured.

The black knight knelt before the Duke, hoping to end his long bout of unemployment.

by KingPhoenix February 22, 2005

377πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž