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An Australian who identifies as a "bogan" with bohemian tendencies.

"She said that she was an Angels fan; She swears like a fucken trooper, yet she talks a lot of new age stuff too.... burns incense but drinks Jim Beam and Cola from a can....but then talks about reincarnation.....I'm baffled. The only thing I can put it down to is that she's a Bogemian, you know, a bogan crossed with a bohemian..."

The only thing I can put it down to is that she's a Bogemian, you know, a bogan crossed with a bohemian..."

by Fartstick January 9, 2017


A bogan bohemian, someone who is uncultured in the typical sense but has a bohemian sense to their style or perspective. A bogan in Australian parlance being an unsophisticated person, similar to an american red-neck. A bogemian appreciates uncouth culture but has some sophistication in how they engage through those cultural mores, as well as being able to appreciate 'higher' cultures.

He was a bogemian, he was uncouth, and proud of being uncouth, but appreciated aspects of music and culture which indicated an underlying intelligence.

by James Boots December 28, 2018