A mythical creature living in, near or around the Blue Anchor of Helston, Cornwall. Similar to a pixi or the like. According to "Bob" Robert Standing, who is a well known face in the local area, regular's at the small pub 'The Blue Anchor' used to fool people into believeing they went 'bogget' hunting, and would convince small groups of people to meet up for the 'bogget hunt' - Needless to say, these were usually clueless tourists!
Regular - We're going bogget hunting tonight, wanna come?
Tourist - What's a bogget?
Regular - Well, it's a bit like a pixi.
---Some more drunken, random explanation of what a bogget is, usually made up to fit the target audience, or so one is led to believe - Shortly followed by:---
Tourist - Yea, when and where do we meet then?
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