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book book

a filipino FOB.
originated in Hawaii

thak girl look so book book.

by BANi June 12, 2006

31πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

book book book

The phrase that defines streamer xQcOW's slot machine gambling addiction.

-*Mindlessly has xQcOW's stream on 3rd monitor*
-"BOOK BOOK BOOK!" suddenly screams through your headphones as xQcOW sees a second book appear in the slots, just before he is inevitably disappointed when a third book doesn't appear.
-*Ears ring from the tinnitus you now have*

by jmaddyboiii April 25, 2021

24πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


book-book: a traditional hard copy, paper book with pages, as opposed to an e-book.

Although e-books are more portable, I still prefer to read an old-fashioned book-book.

by A.D.D. LIBRARIAN August 2, 2011

14πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

sleepbooking [sleep-booking] [sleep booking]

The act of facebooking or going on facebook while in a sleep-like state, drunk, extremely tired, or delusional.

Also a common disorder of stalkers and teenage girls who constantly change their facebook status from "single" to "its complicated" to "in a relationship" to "married" within minutes.

Can also refer to someone who is on facebook way too late at night.

"Man, I woke up this morning and I was sleepbooking sleep-booking sleep booking bumper stickers all day...it was great."

"Woah man...stop sleepbooking sleep-booking sleep booking the day before the SAT...your a retard."

"Don't you hate it when teenage girls keep sleepbooking sleep-booking sleep booking their relationship status all freakin' day!"

by Herbi January 19, 2009

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Book, Cop a Book, buy a book

Term used for purchasing codeine cough syrup; in its original packaging. "Book" is a reference to the pamphlet that comes inside said packaging

Book, Cop a Book, buy a book

Book Definition: "Book" Being a reference to pamphlet found in Orginal packaging

"I don’t want it unless a book in it"
Defined: Meaning he don’t want it unless the product comes with the full original packaging

"I was in Europe trying to cop a book, shit was 160€ a pop"
Defined: tried buying cough syrup with full original packaging, stuff was 160€ a bottle

by Swiss dreams March 21, 2024