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A person who seems to only function in an idiotic, hyperactive way. You know.... those crazy idiots you meet on the street - yeah that's them, you know... the ones that threaten you with a broken bottle because they're too drunk to pick anything else up ? ... yeah that's who I am talking about. They're the ones who may have invented the word insane... not sure yet, need to do actual research for once.... but you know if you dealt with crazy people throwing their bozo-mc-spaz-a-tron ideas at you you'd call them a bozo-mc-spaz-a-tron I mean am i wrong ?

In response to an incident where said (bozo-mc-spaz-a-tron) tried to stab me because I asked him to remove the shopping cart he left behind my car, blocking me in, and leaving his cell phone inside, I called him and recorded a message....' A RECORDED MESSAGE ' (In Russian Accent) - "Hello, bozo-mc-spaz-a-tron, listen to voice recorded message that I worked so hard on. At least in Russia people RESPECT voice recorded messages... unlike dirty, filthy, Americans." - The Great Wise Crazily Drunken Russian Vodka Master.

by Cheeseball Alcatraz August 31, 2021