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A rare Species of Brandons. Brandogs will eat your brain and crank 90s til the sun goes down. Brandogs enjoy eating the hot Cheeto Puffs with there crusty Cheeto Puff Hands.

Hey brandog pass over the Cheeto puffs.

by Brandogs February 16, 2022


A tiny kid who is smart but is bald and a simp. Salt is the only food that he eats and has moustacehec that is 1 km long.

look a baldon ate salt so he bcame brandog fatdog

by widebaz June 18, 2020

7👍 7👎


An awful creature that lives in the Netherlands.

Guy 1: "Hey, do you know that brandoge?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, he's weird asf"
Guy 1: "Did you also know he sucks in programming?"
Guy 2: "Yea, I heard that.."

by undeadhumanbeing August 27, 2018


An awful creature living in the Netherlands

Guy 1: "Hey do you know that Brandoge?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, he's weird asf"

by undeadhumanbeing August 27, 2018