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british-liberation is a group of ace people, who will work together to save Britain. They all agree that there country is under threat by the massive population of chavs. They are soon going to get up, and fight the chavs with everything in there power.

British liberation can also be seen as the dream of a liberated Britain, but the organization is also called that. more information can be seen on there site, just Google it :)

Commander: Iam going to create a group called the british-liberation, They will be united against the chavs Scum of Britain.

Webmaster/Assistant Commander: I will make a site so we can gather members and plan.

Commander: Good Idea.

by The Commander January 27, 2008

8👍 4👎

British Liberation Army

A Group of people led by Arran, they will liberate Britian From all the chavscum. They will free us all from the Chavscum of Great Britian in a militarised or political way.

type: "british-liberation.org" in your address bar now to join and help the cause. The BLA need more members.

Commander Of the British Liberation Army: It is time, we will attack the chavs.
General: I will mobilise the 1st and 2nd Mechanised Infantry Disvisons.
Commander Of the British Liberation Army: good.
General: Soon all the chavs in yorkshire will be dead, or inprisoned.

by Commander Of The British Liberation Army. July 8, 2007

11👍 7👎