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n. Reassurances given to male friends. Usually boosting ego or confidence. Similar to a push-up bro and ego push-ups.


Your hair looks great man. You don't look like a dweeb at all. Flock of Seagulls still rules.

Thanks man. I'd be a mess without your bro-sures.

by gnostic 1 November 5, 2013

2👍 1👎


When a player act like he's gonna buy something, but both him and the salesperson know he's broke..he requests a "Bro-Sure"

"Yo today me and Tommy went to BMW dealership"
"Thats sick, Did he buy the new 5-series"
"nah man, He only took home the "Bro-Sure"

by PrincessJenn May 28, 2008

5👍 7👎


When a player act like he's gonna buy something, but both him and the salesperson know he's broke..he requests a "Bro-Sure"

"Yo today me and Tommy went to BMW dealership"
"Thats sick, Did he buy the new 5-series"
"nah man, He only took home the "Bro-Sure"

by PrincessJenn May 28, 2008

3👍 7👎

sure bro

1) an affirmation of a statement.

2) to express sarcasm for a statement or question.

1) Kyle: You wanna come party tonight?
Russ: Sure bro.

2) Ginger: I survived ebola. twice.
Alex: Sure bro.

by bills fo shills September 30, 2007

33👍 5👎

sure bro

1) an affirmation of a statement.

2) to express sarcasm for a statement or question.

1) Kyle: You wanna come party tonight?
Russ: Sure bro.

2) Ginger: I survived ebola. twice.
Alex: Sure bro.

by Bills fo shills October 4, 2007

2👍 2👎