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When you and your friends go out solely for the purpose of picking up girls.

Man, I haven't been laid in a while. Let's go broading.

by I like broads June 29, 2010

41πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Word for a woman. Less respectable than lady but much more respectable than bitch.

Man, look at those two broads. They are smokin.

by Mos Def And Kweli are Blackstar February 26, 2005

8513πŸ‘ 1846πŸ‘Ž


Another name for a woman\girl

β€œI’m going to pick me up a broad to take with me to the dance”, Sodapop said
β€œSound nice”, Ponyboy said.

by Dallas Winston $$$ December 28, 2018

106πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Word for a woman. Less respectable than lady but much more respectable than bitch.

I got broads in Atlanta.

by broads-in-atlanta April 21, 2016

679πŸ‘ 318πŸ‘Ž


A term originated in the 1930's meaning woman; derived from the fact that the most defining characteristic of all females are their hips, which are proportionally wider than the hips of their male counterparts.

"Look at those broads."

by margana November 26, 2007

3351πŸ‘ 1646πŸ‘Ž


a broad who is a bro

Chris: Yo wrangler, lets hit the bar.

Wrangler: Nah boss, I'm chillen with one of my broades 2nite.

Chris: soft

by Wrangles_ Lola1 September 24, 2009

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Pre WW II slang for an independent, assertive/aggressive woman. Usually in show business, a broad is a singer, dancer, actor or business-woman who sings loud, parties hard and is often abrasive, sarcastic and in-your-face. A variation is the "classy broad" which implies she has either been born rich, snagged herself a sugar-daddy, or has succeeded on her own.

Broads are generally moderately attractive or better, are never seen without their best dresses and perfect makeup, and know how to compete and win in a man's world. In some pre-war Hollywood films, broads are portrayed as gangsters' girlfriends or even their accomplices or gun molls but that was rarely the case in real life. Also in Hollywood films of the era, broads chewed gum incessantly and spoke with a thick, sarcastic New York accent.

Often men who felt threatened by strong-willed, successful women would call them broads in a derogatory sense.

Bette Midler on her persona: "People always love a broad -- someone with a sense of humor, someone with a fairly wicked tongue, someone who can belt out a song, someone who takes no guff. "

Hey Manny! Lookit dat broad... She's built like a brick shithouse! - Construction worker to a friend.

by Aleksei Kotsov February 1, 2014

659πŸ‘ 542πŸ‘Ž