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Broken Finger

To insert a finger up a females vagina, but it gets stuck. The only way to release the stress is to cut it off.

"Dude! What happened to your hand?" " I have a broken finger."

by rustysanchez95 April 19, 2009

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Broken fingers

A rolled blunt or joint that looks like a broken finger. Usually means the blunt or joint is rolled uneven or rolled when you are already high.

I'm already blazed, I already know I'm about to roll a broken finger.
Stuff these joints 'till they look like broken fingers

by ScissorsTheLaxBro May 3, 2011

2👍 3👎

Dogshit Broken Fingers

What happens when you fall down (usually drunk), break your fingers and land in a pile of dogshit.

I fell off the swing broke my fingers and landed in a pile of dogshit, now I've got dogshit broken fingers! Can you come take me to the hospital my fingers really hurt and they stink too

by superweird_95 April 18, 2011

7👍 1👎

how to treat a broken finger

There are five ways to do this:

1.Cut it in four different ways and dip it in pickle juice so that when you drink the pickle juice, magic inside will grow back your finger. Side effects of this procedure may result in green finger, internet fame, and a tendency to eat your finger.

2.Wrap your finger in scotch tape after consulting google.

3.Get some piranhas to eat the flesh off your finger and use scotch tape to tape the broken part off the bone back and on a blue moon wrap your finger in wet garlic and hopefully your skin will grow back. Side effects of this may result in turning into a spooky scary skeleton, no vampires will try to bite your finger, and a weird garlic smell.

4.Ask a stupid doctor at Mayland Heights walk in.

5. Or just go to the hospital.

Jonny I want to know how to treat a broken finger!

by Cool minecraft k November 13, 2017

broken finger

a broken finger is where your finger got fractured and hurts like shit when you try to bend it even slightly. it's so swollen that it has gyatt and tits. it hurts. send help. please. i went to the hospital for a fucking broken ass finger. it hurts. give me god. please help 😭😭😭

john: hey you guys i'm back to school!!
patricia: how's your finger??
john: .. broken as fuck, a broken finger. send help. my mum sent me to school and i can't write because my middle finger is affected on my right hand.

by timbleton jr the 3rd September 16, 2023

broken fingers

from tapping to hard on year 7s snapchat stories

eg: lily posted too much about her dog causing broken fingers

by bigboyfacts February 5, 2021