Source Code


1) The most useless thing ever

2) A Tree of B's

3) Fear of Ghettos

Hey did you see that loser, I bet he likes BTrees.

BTrees killed my son

Have you seen my leaf node???

by Troy Vasiga July 25, 2004


A BTree of order d is a multi-way search tree such that
- every node has <= d children
- every non-root node has >= โ€žยกd/2โ€žยข
- all external Nodes have the same depth.

That order 4 BTree has 200 nodes!

by Troy Vasiga July 25, 2004

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž



braintree, massachusetts.

see also the tree;

where'd you guys go last night?
we hit up the mall in btree.

by the boston anthony August 25, 2005

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-noun; bee-tree;

Where blogs come from.

Holmes: Charlie, I bet wordpress is going to buy that grove of btrees with the property market as it is these days.

Charlie: Yeah, I bet you could get a dozen blogs out of each one.

by PartTimeMonk June 19, 2008

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