Source Code

buster or busta

chump. sucker. uncool person.

"What are you hangin' wit this BUSTER for, man?"

by Reggie June 25, 2004

136👍 30👎

buster or busta

A person that always has to ruin the fun out of everything. A kill-joy.

Are you down with the drive-by CJ? Man, quit being a busta!

by Shadow November 10, 2004

113👍 29👎

buster or busta

Ghetto usage:
One who destroys the moment, usually ending an enjoyable event causing negative results.

Also, some drug-related reference:
interupting an act which may be illegal, sometimes alerting the police or officials to it ('drug'-bust).

"he's a real bust, don't invite him next time!"
"hey, busta, can't you just let us 'roll one' wid' out spookin us, foh a change!?"

by luxuryluke May 2, 2005

34👍 21👎

buster or busta

Person who doesn't make good on their plans; who cancels at the last minute.

We've had these plans for three weeks, but Cindy canceled. She's a busta.

by jack January 14, 2005

20👍 42👎

buster or busta

Dj Statik, the king busta of bustas. total sucka for ril

A dj who has never scratched on any song he's ever produced

by info March 15, 2005

6👍 51👎