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The act of dragging one's ass across the floor using only hands and heels. Usually accompanied by a dangling tongue. Similar to when a dog drags his butt on the floor to itch it's anus.

The butt-scoot is often a remedy for unsuccessful wiping or removal of excess schmog.

It also can be used as an act of defiance or mockery.

The managers sat speechless in amazement as Erik did the butt-scoot around the boardroom in protest for having the meeting on a Friday at 4:30PM.

Jason won the $10 bet by successfully completing the butt-scoot all the way down the bar.

3 hours after his schmogging, Leonard found itch relief by doing the butt-scoot.

by Lord Smitty March 2, 2011

8👍 1👎

Butt Scoot

When a dog drags in butt along a carpeted surface. Usually when the dog has worms.

Also referred to as "the scoots"

Repeated instances of this have been known to cause canine companions to be referred to as "Scoots", "El Scootarino" or "Scoots, the poop-shoot scootin' wonder dog"

I swear to god if your stupid dog does the butt scoot one more time on our freshly cleaned carpet, your mother and I are getting a divorce!

by Brinkman1 December 15, 2009

9👍 4👎

Butt scooting

"When a K9 wipes their anus on the carpet in a rapid motion to relieve an itch"

When someone "drags their ass" as in taking a long time to complete a task, also known as "milking it".

Jesus, you are really butt scooting today aren't you???

by Superrod29 January 16, 2016