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Candle lit

The deflowerization of a pubescent teenage mans.

Word created by Amanda LC & Ari

Inspired by a wise boi named Alexander Hamilton β€œmy candle’s been lit all night”

Yo ma bro mans, I’m bouta get my candle lit tonight lmaoooooo

by Memebois December 6, 2018

candles lit

In the escort world it means to be ready for a customer

Sorry, I don't have my candles lit till 10

by hoho12354 April 11, 2009

Keeping the candle lit

Figure of speech, meaning, 'Don't lose hope.' Or 'Keep hope alive.' -Not losing hope

How are things with you these days?
'Keeping the candle lit, thanks.'

Fishermens' wives would keep a candle burning in the window, to guide their husbands back from deep-sea fishing trips.

by shoutpost August 14, 2011

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Delaware Candle-lit dinner

Inserting a lit candle into the anus and proceeding with oral pleasure.

β€œNothing like mowing the lawn after a Delaware candle-lit dinner.”

by Varietyjake July 22, 2018

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Lit Candle

When your dick isn't just casually erected, and is instead going out-of-its-league full-throttle fuck-beam boner mode, and lasts for a longer period (not menstruation..) of time. You may think its the type of long-lasting boner you get when sitting in the car, but no. This is a very rare boner. Spend your time wisely when having this precious opportuni..oh fuck. I mean..um, gift, or..idk., you get the jizz. Oh fuck, i mean jizt, o' gist, or..whatever. You get the point. ....ah fuck, that's what she said.... Point.

Scenario #1.
*In a car with my friend*
Carlos: Ok, what restaurant are we going to"
Me: Shit, Idk, I can't get my mind of this Lit Candle!!"
Carlos: " k "

Scenario #2
My dad: "......oh hey! is this Carlos?" Oh ok, I just wanted to let you know to stop over at our house to feed the dog and let him outside and all that..."
Carlos: "..oh ok, I'll stop by in 10 minutes.."
*So then went Carlos, he stopped by, and did everything my dad told him to over the phone..but then..he took orange construction paper and wrote: "Candle = Lit", and then put it under my pillow of my bed..
LMAO! Good memories..... Please vote this on, btw Subscribe to Rusty Cage while you're at it..

by SuperiorSteve64 October 30, 2019

One Lit Candle

A girl either giving a blowjob/handjob teases her man back and forth with a lit match or lighter on there dick.

Look here kid to make up for it iama let missy here take care of you give him a one lit candle.

by sourai November 8, 2011

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