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a gurl is my bestest fwend.. so cool.. lolo!!!

Tiff says: lo.. ur the coolest.. yung fat lay lee!

by Tiffany May 11, 2003

5👍 20👎


The best account on tiktok with the best edits, always her edits are W. I have a crush on her.

X: Wow! Did you saw new Cartinations edit?
Y: I did, it was hard tho!

by daddycarti2061 January 22, 2022


A pro Critical Ops player with high reaction and high gamesense. He is to complete rank and scrims by carrying his team until his back hurts. He mostly party to play rank instead of solo ranking, to avoid toxic, garbage team. Suggest that you should party with Butterfly to help you win in ranks.

Ayo Butterfly/Cartin, wanna rank?”

“Yeah later, i’m tired right now”

by qt molly August 22, 2020

Cartinal Screw

A screw attached to bone cartilage, usually on human ears.

Just got a cartinal screw in my knee a few days ago.

by Dooderpant June 22, 2024


Pronounced CAR-tin-A, is an American television series that has various anime designs/themes/locations/memes and or traditions.

#1: Avatar is such a good anime!

#2: It's a cartine, dumbass.

#1: Oh, nevermind, it sucks.

#2: *facepalm*

by KingdomLost February 24, 2012