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1)A guy that is a addicted to games
2)An achievement whore
3)Will always overwhelm you in online gaming
4)Is usually found next to the nearest games console

Damn Chamberlin!

by thecritic123 January 26, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


(v.) to publicly post a series of ignorant staments that exponentially decrease in logical rationale and insensitivity

the ignorant girl chamberlined the other day on Twitter

by count of kendal October 14, 2014

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jimmy chamberlin

a drummer for the smashing pumpkins, zwan and jimmy chamberlin complex who has HUGE guns.
he has had an ongoing problem with drugs and was fired from the smashing pumpkins in 1996 after an overdose with jonathon melvoin in a hotel room on tour in july 1996. melvoin didnt survive, though jimmy did and had to go into rehabilitation.
he married his long time girlfriend Lori and had a daughter called Audrey in late 2002.

even though jimmy chamberlin is in his early 40s it isnt hard to be attracted to his muscley arms.

that smashing pumpkins drummer has huuuuuuge guns!

by jeezzou August 19, 2006

44๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

jimmy chamberlin

Drummer for The Smashing Pumpkins, the short-lived Zwan, and his own solo project The Jimmy Chamberlin Complex.

Jimmy Chamberlin was the insanely talented drummer for the alternative rock band The Smashing Pumpkins.

by taller than trees October 11, 2005

53๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Derek Chamberlin

To suddenly look up from a task at hand in a surprised or confused manor, as per when your name is called or a noise catches your attention. Think much like a chipmunk who is startled whilst eating a nut and looks back and forth to discover what is near bye.

i totally did the derek chamberlin when i thought i heard a ghost slam my door closed while i was browsing bunnyteens.com

by Mr. Woodshop Teacher April 27, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Neville Chamberlin

British Prime Minister that achieved "Peace in our time"by his appeasement of Adolf Hitler. Syn. Jimmy Carter. Opposite:Ronald Reagan

Neville Chamberlin appeasment

by HistoryDegree October 28, 2009

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ash chamberlin

A sick cunt from australia

Ash Chamberlin is a sick cunt from australia

by billjackson119 November 14, 2014