Another term for creeper/stalker.
Person 1: Dude, did you see her staring at you?
Person 2: Yeah, she's such a chianeser.
Judge: So, why are you requesting this restraining order?
Plaintiff: Well, your honor, he was totally chianesing me.
(KA-NAY-SAY) An Italian surname commonly mispronounced "Chinese" by the everyday English speaker. As such, when affixed to the first name of a female, it becomes grounds for crude jokes amongst the male sort who persist in making references to the cuisine.
Mispronunciation tends towards establishing nickname status amongst friends, who hail said person by crying boisterously "CHINESE!" which may alert bystanders to look for nearby Asians or, perhaps, someone carrying a take-out bag.
Regardless of conflicting pronunciations, persons belonging to this name are generally worthwhile company and can, eventually, make you go "crazay for chianayzay"
Male Friend 1: "*snickering* Dude, are we eating Chinese tonight or what?"
Male Friend 2: "That's my gf bro, back off!"
____ Chianese: "What's wrong with you?"