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Chocolate stick

The act of performing anal with an unclean butt and pulling out with poop covering your dick

Billy tried anal but got a chocolate stick

by MrBanana4 November 2, 2020

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chocolate stick

An African American Males penis

Girl< Did you get what you wanted from kahlil on your date?

Girl2< Hell yeah, I had to get a taste of dat chocolate stick!

by shwstppn856 September 1, 2006

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double dip chocolate stick

male african american gives anal to mouth and back to anal

my boy Tejon got that chick naked & gave her a double dip chocolate stick

by craig bergen April 13, 2008

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Chocolate pokey stick

When one man poops and does not wipe and another man sticks his finger in his butt and shoved his poop covered finger in the other mans mouth

Yo I gave joe the chocolate pokey stick at the sleep over last week

by How mama 446 May 8, 2021

Chocolate Cheese Stick

The act of shoving an cheese stick (fried or otherwise) up one's anus.

My penis was broken so I gave my partner a chocolate cheese stick. We ate it afterwards.

by thecorky1 July 27, 2011

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chocolate wanking sticks

Using chocolate bars for sexual pleasure.

Deirdre twanged herself off to daytime tv with the help of chocolate wanking sticks.

by Deirdre January 6, 2004

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Chocolate-Frosted Tummy-Sticks

An old Thai pastime involving at least four participants, two of whom must be male, a few spare chromosomes, and at least two viagra.

First the two males in question must buttfuck the other two participants for an equal, aforementioned period of time, without climaxing. Then, they must pull their shitdicks out and stand helmet to helmet, hands behind their backs, and swordfish the using only their hips, creating a meatsaber duel not unlike Luke vs Vader in Return of the Jedi. Neither can move their feet, or use any part of their body but their Dicks. First to quit, fall to a knee in pain, or breaks formation, loses, and must blow the victor.

If you have never witnesses a game of Chocolate-Frosted Tummy-Sticks, no example will do it justice...

by Mjolnir12982 October 19, 2016