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Cliff Diving

Cliff Diving is the act of last-minute bowing out of a social engagement amongst friends or colleagues, because you're secretly binging on pornography. The "drive" of Cliff Diving, refers to the heads-over-heals nature of the pronograhy binge.

Where's your boy at? Where all here at the bar!
Oh, he's not answering texts. He's probably Cliff Diving on that butt porn.
Probably true.

by tennisthemenace June 1, 2018

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Cliff Diving

When an individual hangs their mask off of one ear.

Callie was cliff diving before she went into the classroom.

by morgia October 10, 2020

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Cliff Diving

Doing a dance resembling the Harlem Shake while hiking. A term invented by the hiking community that got bored and decided to dance while they hike. The term is used to scare people and cause people to infer that people are jumping off of rocks into pools of water.

"We totally were cliff diving, and my dance moves are legendary!"

by Hiking Community March 18, 2013

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Ultimate Cliff Dive

Act of intense suicide off cliff

My bro committed an ultimate cliff dive they couldnโ€™t find the body

by Nocapnokizzy October 18, 2021

Gay cliff diving

When two straight males are depressed enough to make the decision that old age isn't going to take them out. So they buy out their local drug dealers, put all of the drugs into a finely mixed milkshake. Stick 2 straws in that cup and start their last journey with a mouth full of meth, coccaine, numerous pharmaceuticals, and sea salt and carmel flavored ice cream. After consuming the heavily drugged mixture of ice cream in liquid form they then tie their long penises together in a double fishers knot and simultaneously do a cartwheel off of the biggest cliff in the state of Virginia hopefully leading to the death of both gentlemen without shitting on each other which happens quite frequently when someone passes away.

Did you hear about Jim and Adam going gay cliff diving the other night. I heard they got the job done without either of them defecating at all. Classy to the end.

by Jimmie Choo May 8, 2023

Cliff Diving

Hanging your mask off one ear

Morgan tried to start a cliff diving trend but it never really caught on :(

by Cboan October 23, 2020

Cliff Diving

To abruptly dive into a situation without thinking it through.

Man I sure lost my ass on this deal. I shouldโ€™ve thought about first instead I went Cliff Diving.

by Mind_surgeon March 21, 2023