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Cochita refers to "Cosita= Thingy" or "Cosa = Thing". In Mexican slang it is used when someone is being adorable.

Ko: You're such a cutie, Andy.
Andy: Awww, cochita. You're the cute one!!

by MexicanFlavour March 16, 2022


The plastic claw clips that girls use to put their hair up into a messy french twist. A plastic clip with two claws that inter lock to hold the hair.

Damn I broke one of the claws off of my cochita.

by frog4lunch November 6, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Cochita is the sweeter pronunciation of "cosita" which literally translates to "thingy". In Mexican slang it refers to someone being really adorable.

Ko: That's so nice of you, Andy. You're a cutie!
Andy: Aww, ยกcochita linda!

by MexicanFlavour March 16, 2022