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A person that will never ever be good enough for a real job, so they are stuck making coffee for people with real jobs.

That coffeeboy will be living with his parents forever.

That coffeeboy doesn't have a valid driver's license.

by the bruja January 7, 2010

21👍 7👎


It's kpop, Coffeeboy!


by Taenun June 6, 2022

Save Coffeeboy

A cry that has erupted from hundred of thousands of Ianto Jones fans after watching Russell T Davis ruthlessly kill him off in the latest series of Torchwood.

"Okay, first Tosh and Owen, now Ianto?? We're not letting you get away with it this time Russell T Death-Dealer.

Save Ianto Jones! Save Coffeeboy!"

by Caelieth July 25, 2009

271👍 116👎