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A: My mom just died 😭
B: you do know that that emoji does not mean compactergy??

by AnonymusA August 12, 2022


Used to describe something that is very sad but is not as sad as depressing

Some random guy online: "bruh my dog died"
Another person who does not know that guy or the dog: "Thats compactergy"

by Some guy's alt account August 11, 2022


Used to describe a situation that is sad

-"My dog died"
-"That's compactergy"

by Some guy's alt account August 12, 2022


Used to describe something that is very sad but is not as far as depressing

Guy 1: "bruh my dog died"
Guy 2: "thats compactergy"

by Some guy's alt account August 11, 2022


the new word for sad
generally any misspelling of 'compact lethargy'

Wrong: This is such sad
Correct: This is such compactergy

by NoRiposte August 11, 2022