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Meaning Cool

Said in a cool way.

Also a Rapper

random person: "I like that hat you've got on"

cool guy: "cooleo"

by Thomual October 10, 2005

34👍 16👎


Meaning Cool

Said in a cool way.

Also a Rapper
random person: "I like that hat you've got on"

random person: "I like that hat you've got on"

cool guy: "cooleo"

by Thomual October 21, 2005

18👍 19👎


a word that means cool, but it's not cool. Like awesome it means cool but it's not.

Kid: Look at my new bike
Loser: Cooleo
Cool guy: Dude your not cool

by |) A |\/| |\| April 12, 2007

22👍 31👎


A word to describe cool people called leo.

"Man, your one wickity wakity funkiliciouse guy. Infact your pretty damn cooleo, leo."

by Tok Snave August 28, 2009

5👍 12👎