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Copitulate is mash up between a law enforcement officer (AKA cop) and the word capitulate, which is defined as complying. To copitulate (1) is a term used to describe the internal conflict that arises in People Of Color and/or people of poverty who must override their natural instinct to react in fight, flight, or freeze when with threatened by an interaction with law enforcement and/or badged authority figures. (2) can also be used when the perception of being threatened exists after viewing footage or hearing stories of past excessive force as in the tragic deaths of Philandro Castile, Sandra Bland, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin, Dravon Ames & Iesha Harper (the Phoenix family held at gunpoint over a doll), and a countless number of individuals who's lives are threatened or have been taken unnecessarily and received no justice.

The best way to end police brutality is to copitulate to commands and challenge any racially motivated use or abuse of power through excessive force in the court room rather than from a prison cell or a coffin.

by Mama Martha June 28, 2019