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An enclosed space where an individual is more likely to contract coronavirus. Could be an elevator or an “incubator.”

Damn James, looks like we are increasing our risk 4 fold by jumping in that coronavator to get to the party. We will get so infected, we will be begging for hydroxychloroquine!

by EBrandes April 9, 2020


The act of standing with a group of individuals discussing how Coronavirus means you can no longer hang out together

Danielle and Megan and I were coronaventing today about how we couldn’t all go out for drinks after work.

by Maskedme March 13, 2020


When 20 or more people pile into an elevator at the height of the corona-virus pandemic.

"Hold that door, we've still got room in the coronavator. Don't worry, everyone's wearing a mask."

"Someone's shoes are untied"

by September 15, 2020