To repay a small amount of money borrowed from a friend years after it was initially promised to be paid back. Payment methods include, but are not limited to: coupons, change found in the couch cushions, excuses, making the friend drive 30 miles to collect $5 and a buy one get one Steak and Shake coupon, asking you for part of a payment back for rent because of a miscalculation, etc...
Btw, David Couch, I'm still waiting on that last $100 of that loan, bitch! You couching out bastard!
David calls Ryan and promises that he has $75 to make as a payment on a $500 loan from Ryan. He asks Ryan to drive to the Junction (J2, an under-21 club). Ryan drives over eagerly expecting $75.
David: Hey...sorry I don't have all the money right now. We can go in and hang out for a bit. Also, here is $6.50 and a coupon for buy one get one free Now & Laters at Shell.
Ryan: What happened to the $75?
David: Sorry man. I had to make a payment on my girlfriend's fake titties. I had to make them TWO HANDFULS.
Ryan: I had a feeling you'd be couching out on me.
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When you pass out on the couch.
I couched out last night watching T.V.
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When someone sits (or lays) on the couch all day instead of doing something productive.
Jared: "Are you gonna go out to the bar today and watch the game?"
Chris: "No way. I got drunk as shit last night. I think I'm gonna just sit here and couch it out."
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