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a verb that means "having the crap irritated out of you"

Person 1: "gah! her voice irritates the crap out of me"

Person 2: "you're very easily crapitated, aren't you?!"

by kelmel February 15, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Raver's bastardization of "cripple"
2. Feeling physically wrecked, usually after a night of rampant drug abuse
3. A person or thing that is exceptionally stupid

"Dude, I heard that taking E will make your brane bleed and leave you crapital" or "Wow, this is really crapital."

by Occupant December 3, 2004


Failure to succeed when given a good opportunity.
(the exact opposite of capitalizing on something)

Wow, that kicker really crapitalized on that field goal.

by alexanderdys January 10, 2012

19๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


An unsustainable system in which the Western 'Democracies' live under that are in the last throes of extinction using outdated unworkable methods of energy supply, natural resources exploitation and rigged-markets with fiat currencies pretending to be a free-market. The most unproductive of society 'make' the most money and those people that create real wealth, known as the working-poor are delegated to greater levels of debt. Thieving international Banksters are given the greatest rewards under a system of Crapitalism.

Crapitalism's educational systems are exclusive by being prohibitively expensive to keep brain-dead middle classes in work via their network of kakistocracy. Education is an almost useless and financially non-viable endeavour for entering the workforce to the lower classes, without a network of wealthy and well-connected cronies to hand them jobs and therefore becomes systemically pointless. Education becomes a right of passage to those that can afford it, but they are not actually qualified and are therefore unfit to make Capitalism function.

Crapitalistic ideas are kept alive by a monopolistic media which creates unbelievable propaganda to further this Zombie System, it only looks alive to the equally brain-dead supporters Sheeple of this Crapitalistic system as they are also robbed under the guise of a GFC which they cannot recognise as a Depression leading to the eventual total systemic collapse of Crapitalism and their own downfall.

I no longer recognise the system which we live under, it's a total mish-mash of lies, cheating, stealing and the rule of law has just become a joke. This is total Crapitalism.

I work 70 hours a week earning an average wage and living a very modest lifestyle and I still can't make ends meets. This has just become a bunch of Crapitalism.

We still rely on fossil fuels and and deadly nuclear power when solar power is the obvious answer, except under a system of Crapitalism.

by Ozzy Drongo February 17, 2012

206๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


The innate tendency of capitalism to subvert democratic and idealistic tendencies in a government,profession or organization.

Corporate control of congress is crapitalism.

by astonished head December 5, 2010

57๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


Use of political favor, force, or position to benefit a for-profit business, but calling it "free-market". Similar to "mercantilism" from Colonial times, where the success of a business depended on the power of The Crown. Use of "crapitalism" is meant to be disparaging, but can also be used to show the difference between actual free market enterprises and those that depend on government support.

Dude A: "Those big Wall Street banks makin' all that smack when I ain't got a job is why capitalism sucks." Dude B: "Da big bankers work in crapitalism. They'd be out of business if it wasn't for all that help they get from The Man."

by scratchgolf November 16, 2009

64๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


quick-and-dirty uber-profits for the filthy stinking rich - and total crap for all the rest of us.

Here in the USA crapitalism has caused the world's largest gap between the super-rich lifestyles of the those at the top, and the steadily degenerating living conditions of the vast majority, while landfills continue to overfill with the broken, poorly-made junk that constitutes the "affordable" products for the masses.

by VirgoGrrrlie January 20, 2011

49๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž