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crusty dick energy

The vibrant and adrenaline-filled rush one experiences when confronted with a scenario of one's own crusty dick, and an escalating sexual encounter.

Under crusty-dick energy, one tends to ruthlessly skip over foreplay such as oral sex to the main act, and avoids bright lighting, to tenaciously hide the fact that your dick is crusting.

This has the paradoxical effect of appearing more confident and at times, more romantic due to the low lighting circumstances. It can lead to a win on both fronts. It can also give the illusion that you are not a man of selfishness and prefer mutual pleasure.

Cindy: I can't get over how mysterious Charles was last night....
Samantha: What do you mean?

Cindy: Usually men want blowjobs before sex, he went straight for it...it was kinda hot...
Samantha: Are you sure he didn't just have Crusty Dick Energy?

by awwwshiiiet March 2, 2022